Our mission is to provide access to space, information, and quality arts/culture programs for our community. We stand at the intersection of art, culture, wellness, and organizing, and we act as a vehicle for elevating the intentions and actions of our residents.

Through community-led and community-oriented gatherings, events, and workshops, we envision growth and a sense of deep belonging for our neighbors that grows out of meaningful engagement in our community. We imagine an ever-growing pride in the resilient and diverse cultures that define the city we love.



Pronouns: she, her
I am a mother of two amazing daughters who are 11 years apart
I’m a Connecticut Arts Hero
I’m passionate about giving voice to the voiceless and I facilitate programs using movement as a language
I collect rocks and curly sticks


Pronouns: he, him
I’m recording my first album
I take photographs with expired film
I’m the chair of Hartford’s Commission on Cultural Affairs
I’m a “Hall of Fame” Designer
I lecture and run workshops and teach about the road to equity